A Jerry James Stone Recipe
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- 2 slices bread
- 1 tsp olive oil, divided
- 1 ripe avocado
- Pinch of flaky sea salt
- Pinch of fresh cracked pepper
- Toast your bread. You can use sandwich bread, or any bread you want, but I recommend artisan bread. Good bread makes good toast.
- Once the bread is toasted to your liking, brush one side of each slice with half of the 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
- Then add half the avocado to the top of each piece of toast and mash it with a fork.
- You can easily ripen an avocado by storing it in a bag with an apple or a banana. Place them in the fridge once desired ripeness has been reached to keep.
- Top with a pinch of flaky sea salt and freshly cracked pepper to taste.
- Enjoy!